Dear Youth

Here we showcase the messages that have been sent with the beanies. 
These messages go out our Youth and aim to spread hope and love. 

Dear Youth....

Thank you for your curiosity and eagerness for life. We appreciate your energy and want you to SHINE! Keep your hearts open and know that we support you. 

You are the future - be amazing! We love you!

Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do what you put your mind to doing: go out there and show them what you are made of!

You haven't been left a perfect world and many of you are struggling to find your true identity in a failing system. Don't give up! You can create a better world if you believe you can. 

The cities are not the places we think they are. There is not an overflowing abundance of jobs and opportunities waiting for you. Learn as many skills as you can to become self-sufficient. Do your best. Work hard and believe in yourself. Your success will come from your heart - never forget how powerful you are. 

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